One With Guns: Unity
A downloadable OWG
One With Guns: A low poly, action packed, meme filled, dank, first person shooter!
Move = WASD
Crouch = Left Control
Peak = Q and E
Reload = R
Switch Weapons = 1(Primary), 2(Secondary), 3(Tactical), and 4(Lethal)
Pick Up Weapons = F
Throw Pokeball = G
Nude Flash =T
Scoreboard = Tab
Log = Tilde(~)
Chat = Enter
3D Artist: Vynatic Productions
CSharp Programmer: Reals7eel
Javascript Programmer: Reals7eel, Vynatic Productions
Environment Artist: GoodOlson, Vynatic Productions
Audio Design: Internet, Deez Nutz
Voice Actors: Reals7eel, GoodOlson, Vynatic Productions